About Our School

School Mission/Vision

DoDEA Mission

Educate, Engage, and Empower each student to succeed in a dynamic world.

DoDEA Vision

To be among the world's leaders in education, enriching the lives of military-connected students and the communities in which they live.

Bowley's Purpose

The Bowley school community will educate and enrich the children of our nation's heroes to become successful lifelong learners.

About Our School

Background Information:

Bowley Elementary School is located on Fort Bragg, NC. Students who are enrolled at Bowley Elementary School are dependents of military personnel at Fort Bragg, serving students in Prekindergarten through fifth grades. The school is funded by the Department of Defense. Bowley Elementary is one of 11 schools on Ft. Bragg and belongs to the DoDEA Americas Mid-Atlantic district under the direction of Mr. Ryan Smith, Superintendent, and follows the directives, curricula, and guidelines from the umbrella organization of DoDEA.

Bowley Elementary will serve students from Bougainville, Corregidor Court, and Hillcrest neighborhoods.

Lieutenant General Albert J. Bowley

Bowley Elementary School was the first permanent school built on Fort Bragg. The school is named in memory of Lieutenant General Albert J. Bowley who served as Commander of Camp from November 25, 1920, to February 1, 1921. He was Post Commander from July 5, 1921 to March 27, 1928. 

Source: Arlington National Cemetery Website

School Goals



Goal 1: (By GRADE LEVEL)

3rd: The percentage of third-grade students who partially met or did not meet the literacy standard will decrease from 56% to 46% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment.

4th: The percentage of fourth-grade students who partially met or did not meet the literacy standard will decrease from 59% to 49% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment. 

5th: The percentage of fifth-grade students who partially met or did not meet the literacy standard will decrease from 67% to 57% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment. 

Goal 2: (By GRADE LEVEL) 

3rd: The percentage of third-grade students who meet or exceed the literacy standard in “written expression” will increase from 44% to 54% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment. 

4th: The percentage of fourth-grade students who meet or exceed the literacy standard in “written expression” will increase from 52% to 62% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment. 

5th: The percentage of fifth-grade students who meet or exceed the literacy standard in “written expression” will increase from 13% to 23% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment.


Goal 1: (By GRADE LEVEL)
3rd: The percentage of third-grade students who partially meet or did not meet the math proficiency standard will decrease from 44% to 34% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment.

4th: The percentage of fourth-grade students who partially met or did not meet the math proficiency standard will decrease from 52% to 42% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment.

5th: The percentage of fifth-grade students who partially met or did not meet the math proficiency standard will decrease from 87% to 77% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment.

Goal 2: (By GRADE LEVEL)
3rd: The percentage of third-grade students who meet or exceed the math standard in “major content” will increase from 47% to 57% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment.

4th: The percentage of fourth-grade students who meet or exceed the math standard in “major content” will increase from 52% to 62% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment.

5th: The percentage of fifth-grade students who meet or exceed the math standard in “major content” will increase from 0% to 10% by the end of school year 2026-2027 as measured by the DCAS Summative Assessment. 
 Communication and Engagement
 Goal 1:

 Parent: The average percentage of parents who answered, “quite a lot” on the Communication and Engagement Feedback Survey question, “How much opportunity does the school give you to participate in/contribute to the mission or goals?” will increase from 40% to 50% by the end of SY 2026-2027. 

Staff: The average percentage of staff members who answered, “quite a lot” on the Communication and Engagement Feedback Survey question, “How much do you think your school’s leadership considers or uses your feedback?” will increase from 21% to 31% by the end of SY 2026-2027. 

Goal 2: 

The percentage of parents participating in the Communication and Engagement Feedback Survey will increase from 24% to 34% by the end of SY 2026-2027.

Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Dr. Raymond Burk.

Dr. Raymond Burk

3445 R. Miller Street Bldg 1-3479
Fort Bragg, NC 28307-0089
United States

Mrs. Carricia Simpson, DoDEA employees official photo.

Mrs. Carricia Simpson

3445 R. Miller Street Bldg 1-3479
Fort Bragg, NC 28307-0089
United States

Bowley Elementary School official mascot
Enrollment: 293
Mascot Downloads
School Colors
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